Toronto Baseball Guys
Saturday, May 22, 2010
  From the West Coast to the Future
MLB has its share of problems, with skyrocketing salaries leading to disparity between the haves and havenots, four hour games, and of course PEDs and the standard series of events:
Rumours to accusations (lowly clubhouse attendant) to vehement denials (Palmeiro) to incontrovertable evidence (clubhouse attendant with new lawyer) to one more denial for old time’s sake (Lance Armstrong) and lastly the weepy-eyed admission that PEDs were used but only once, on the day before the positive test and will never be used again (Andy Petitte/JerkRod).

But MLB’s biggest problem has got to be the West Coast. It’s absolutely criminal that my team begins its games when I’m on my way to bed. The solution is simple, ban all teams that play in the pacific time zone, revoke their home games and play in a neutral site like Philadelphia or regulate start times so that they are never later than 4:00 pm.

Between failing the MENSA quiz that is finding the Rogers preview channel, and having trouble watching late games through my eyelids, I’ve seen very little of the Jays lately. The only game I did see was the Kevin Gregg’s Seattle implosion…has he coaxed the M’s popgun offence into the second out of that ninth inning yet?

Gregg’s crapsterpiece will likely be the key turning point to the season. Either the team can rally around its closer, pile up wins in the always tough for the Jays and only the Jays NL and carry on with their refreshing start, or they can collapse their way into in nine-game losing streak restoring the team to its rightful position of fourth place.

Either way, it shouldn’t really matter. The Rays are too good, the Yankees, who are in their annual extended spring training are less than a month away from pouring it on, and David Ortiz’ slow-acting PEDs seem to be kicking in. This is a building year, and should not be viewed as anything but. The youngsters are learning their lessons, the clubhouse is a cohesive unit, and Overbay is beginning to show signs of recovering from his lousy early season moustache and hitting woes.

Here’s my message to you AA –because I know you read us religiously- stay the course, keep showing off the trade bait Overbay/Frasor/Downs/Gregg/Gonzalez/Please not Marcum, and get ready for the youth movement once the trade deadline passes at the end of July. I believe in this team’s ability to compete soon, but not yet.
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